I don't feel like a mom...

Thursday, December 13, 2007


..bad things happen to good people. It's not fair and no matter what you do, you can't keep it from happening. This is a lesson I've come to terms with recently, through my own personal experiences and from seeing things go on around me. You can't sit and think about what you did or didn't do or blame yourself for not seeing it coming....sometimes you just have to go with the flow and take it as it comes. It only makes you stronger.


I just want to thank all the people out there who thought and/or prayed about us. I truly believe that it has helped us get through the first part of Babygirl's treatment.

If you haven't heard through my sister Tammy's website, my 15 yr old daughter was recently diagnosed w/ brain cancer. Scariest shit ever, I tell you, but she is the strongest girl I have ever met. She's looking this thing right in the eye and telling it to kiss her ass. There have been a few complications because of the surgery to remove it but she is improving everyday and we have just finished radiation and her first round of chemo. Yay!!! Please just keep thinking of us and keep us in your prayers because every bit helps.

Thanks again internets,

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Posted by Michelle :: 11:36 AM :: 3 People have brought me drinks

Bring me a Drink
