I don't feel like a mom...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Introducing Fleur!

Here's our new kitty! We got her at the local animal shelter which is overrun with kittens right now. (Spring and all that.) Doesn't she have the sweetest little face?

They told us when we adopted her that she is 5 weeks old but when I got her home I knew better. She didn't know how to eat out of a dish or use a litter box and today when we took her to the vet, she said she is no older than 3 or 4 weeks. They also said that it was a good thing we adopted her because she would be much better cared for. I just feel bad for her littermates.

She is going to be one loved kitty!


Posted by Michelle :: 9:45 PM :: 2 People have brought me drinks

Bring me a Drink
