I don't feel like a mom...

Friday, May 09, 2008


Open letter to the gangbanger in the Olds on I-30:

Dear Assmonkey,
I'm so sorry that I dared to get over in your lane. It was just that the huge truck in front of me was going 40mph on the highway and I really wanted to get home. My 16 year old had just been released from the hospital and we were both extremely exhausted. If I had known that you would then pull up next to me, give me your best gangster glare and then proceed to come into the lane and try to occupy the very same space my car was already in I would have refrained from getting over at all. Oh, and BTW, if your gang initiation was to kill someone by car, I have one word for you: FAIL!

Thank you,
Your fellow highway driver,


In other news, Bits did not make the tennis team, unfortunately, but didn't seem all that upset about it. When he came home on Monday after finding out I said, "Well?" and he goes, "What?" I said, "Hellooo, the tennis tryouts." and he just said, "Oh, I didn't make it."

Well ok then.


Babygirl is doing well after her most recent stint in the hospital getting chemo. She had this weird pain in her chest while we were there and they did an EKG but everything looked normal. When we got out she had all this energy and felt better than she had in months but that kind of petered out so now she is back to her normal level of exhaustion.



At the Dallas Zoo

Out with friends!

Posted by Michelle :: 3:04 PM :: 1 People have brought me drinks

Bring me a Drink
